Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    The Evolution of Cars

1750s- present day

This is what cars looked like in the 1750s.It is an Alfa Romeo Gran sport. They used gas with these
cars but it didn't use a lot of gas.

 This car is a 1975s car. They still use gas for these cars since these types
of cars have up to 8 cylinders.
This is an Audi R8. A recently new car. This sports car has up to
10 cylinders because it is one of the fastest cars.
This is a Hybrid car. it uses both fuel(gas) and electricity. It uses both because it is better to use fuel
on highways and electricity in cities were there are many stop signs to save on fuel.
This is a diagram of a Hybrid car. You can see in back of the car that there is both a fuel tank and a batterie.  your car switches to electricity when you arrive at a small city, and when you are going on a highway it switches to fuel because on a highway using only electricity on a highway would use all the electricity since you drive at high speeds.
This is an electric car. It uses only electricity. These types of cars are good for people who live in small cities and for people that drive mostly in cities.