Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jeremy Soulieres 
November 28, 2012


      Once upon a time there was a brilliant man, that he was jealous of the religion of others, and did not want to join or enter the religion because he did not like the meaning of it. So he decided to create his own, "The Morphsuit religion". A morphsuit is like a clothing but it covers all your body, so you do not see the face of the person, for those people that didn't know what a morphsuit was. 
      He first started with some colours, the most common colours, and the more and more people liked how the beliefs of the religion war believing in they were getting bigger and bigger. The "Lord or King or God" would have the "Tie Dye" because it has all the colours possible. Each year they have festivals, christmas, easter etc. Sochristmas, the Lord decides for a "santa morphsuit" then this specific person delivers accessories that go with peoples morphsuits. Also the line on everyones back describes how many years of experience in this religion. Now Easter, the Lord decides again another specific person to be the "Magic Bunny" not the same person. The bunny gives also some accessories to all the people in the religion that are present on that festival, and chocolates.

      People part of this religion had many beliefs. The most important belief of all was they believed a Tie Dye Morphsuit was the lord and he brought a lot of peace and happiness to those who are part of this religion. This religion had a great music spirit. Compared to other religions, the Morphsuit religion didn't have a choir, instead they would play disco music because they believed disco music was a great type of music that mad people dance and that made them joyful. Also, they believed it was extremely important to attend every festival such as Christmas, Easter, St-Valentines day, act. Being part of those festivals was a way of showing how loyal they are to this religion and how proud they were to be part of this religion.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jeremy Soulieres
November 7th, 2012

Prophet: Sources
In religion, a prophet in someone that has been contacted by a supernatural to speak for them. Delivering unknown knowledges from the supernatural entity to other people.
A Prophet is a man that as been called from God to speak for him and be is messenger. A Prophet receives the Lord's word for mankind including revelations.


We only had one idea for the new prophet we had to create. We came up with the idea of a Morphsuit religion. A Morphsuit is a costume that people often wear on halloween. We figured out that a Tie Dye Morphsuit would be the lord since a Tie Dye Morphsuit contains every possible colour that exists. Everyone part of this religion would wear Tie Dyes and at festivals such as Christmas or Easter there would be a big reunion of the people part of the tie die relgion and example at a Christmas reunion there would be a santa claus morphsuit or an easter bunny morphsuit at easter. People would pray to the Tie Dye Morphsuit and sing morphsuit song in churches.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


- When we think about the technology of cars there are good sides and bad sides. If we think about the environmental side of the evolution of cars it has improved greatly. They started making Hybrid and Electric cars which has helped a lot on the impact on our environment. But thinking about all the technologies added to cars such as cars parking by themselves it is starting to be ridiculous. What will the next step be? If cars start parking themselves for us and driving to our destination for us in the future drivers courses are going to be useless. But on the environment side of all this car technology, cars have improved a lot.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jeremy Soulieres
September 18, 2012

Process Journal#1

We are not sure what technology we want to use to do our blog.  We might do it on the evolutions of cars, going from fuel cars to hybrid cars to electric cars. To show how the evolution of cars effect our planet and to show if it helps or if it is worst for our planet.

Jeremy Soulieres
September 26, 2012

Process Journal#2

We started our blog on the technology of cars. It shows the evolution of cars starting from 1750's cars to our present day cars. Explaining the difference between the different types of cars and how they were improved over the years to make driving safer. We adder photo's of different cars, how the cars work and how they effect the environment.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    The Evolution of Cars

1750s- present day

This is what cars looked like in the 1750s.It is an Alfa Romeo Gran sport. They used gas with these
cars but it didn't use a lot of gas.

 This car is a 1975s car. They still use gas for these cars since these types
of cars have up to 8 cylinders.
This is an Audi R8. A recently new car. This sports car has up to
10 cylinders because it is one of the fastest cars.
This is a Hybrid car. it uses both fuel(gas) and electricity. It uses both because it is better to use fuel
on highways and electricity in cities were there are many stop signs to save on fuel.
This is a diagram of a Hybrid car. You can see in back of the car that there is both a fuel tank and a batterie.  your car switches to electricity when you arrive at a small city, and when you are going on a highway it switches to fuel because on a highway using only electricity on a highway would use all the electricity since you drive at high speeds.
This is an electric car. It uses only electricity. These types of cars are good for people who live in small cities and for people that drive mostly in cities.